I found this week particularly time consuming and frustrating and having little personal resonance.
Tagging and Delicious
I can see that Delicious may well be of use to those people who have multiple web sites, who use different computers and who want to share their favorite sites with others, but I find my list of favorites on my only computer quite enough. So I thought I'd look at a couple of the other suggested social bookmarking sites. Digg and Reddit seem little more than a voting system for news items - why are other peoples' opinions so important? Onward to Stumbleupon, which did seem a site of interest, containing as it did the news that Delicious was to be closed down. It had an entry '6 solid alternatives to Delicious' and Diigo certainly is a site worth further exploration.
How difficult can it be to add a widget. Probably for most people not very, but finally success was achieved, and a few of my books that I could find on the the site suddenly appeared lurking at the bottom of my blog. Even managed to and move it to a more appropriate situation. Was it only me who added books that were perhaps thought to be socially acceptable? Whilst I don't feel any personal use for LibraryThing there may be a bookclub out there who would find it useful to keep track of what they've read etc.
My book collection is quite small as I am a fan of my local public library.
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